Art Gallery of WA : Pulse Perspective

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Pulse Perspectives

The exhibition of young artists as year 12 in WA, Pulse Perspectives. 
46, different forms of works, at the basement of Art Gallery of WA
Themes: International, national and personal political issues and our impact on and neglect of the environment. 
More information:

  When I was young, I was more sensitive. The world looked weird, full of questions. Wandering around my family, I desired to move forward: much larger, more diverse. 

Being alone, I used to draw some paintings to explode my feelings. I needed some outlets for letting my anxiety and anger leak out before they dominate me. 

There was a great chance for me to remind myself of my teenage time in AGWA, Pules Perspectives. It was designed for the young generation and adults who have been through the time of curiosity, anxiety, and longing for salvation. 

46 pieces of artwork, containing one's identity, were displayed in the basement of AGWA. The themes of them were diverse to extent from one's own feeling to politic agenda one's caring about.

The artwork above is about the plastic abandoned in the ocean threatening the lives of animals in the ocean. Caring about the environment, which most people usually forget, is one of the important virtue one should have.

The artwork on the left side is about one's identity and some feelings that feel like or desire to peel his/ her self. It was familiar to me as the one who used to be immersed by a desire to destroy my self. 

 Olivia's work struck me the most. It explores the artist's identity and a strong desire to peel his/ her self away. Oppressing the boundary around me (as transformed I) was visualized well. It's important that one's hands are oppressing his/her own skin. It was me who has been bullied me the most. 

What inspired and touched me was the Purpose of Organizing the exhibition. The Purpose of the exhibition that feelings and thoughts of the young generation deserve to be taken a look was simple but rarely happened. In Korea, teenagers have been regarded as premature needing help. Because it looks temporary, it cannot be important. Some feelings during that time are usually degraded as shame.
It was one of other pressure to me. However, Look. as the Pulse Perspectives have shown to us, It's inspring and rare records. Teenage Time never comes back but affects life long. 

+) I've thought it would be better if the exhibition displayed the work with a dim boundary for  dividing each theme (the things away from me -politic agenda- and the things inside me - identity or feelings). However, now I'm sure that they cannot be divided. Also It would be rude. 


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